成套鋼絲繩索具的使用注意事項及英文翻譯Not*** for the wire rope sling
1、 成套鋼絲繩索具在使用前,須看清標牌上的工作載荷及適用范圍,嚴禁超載使用。Bedore using the sling,note the WLL and applied range,over-load forbidden.
2、 成套鋼絲繩索具在使用時,將鋼絲繩索具直接掛入吊鉤的受力中心位置,不能掛到鉤尖部位。When using the whole set of sling,it should be put on the load center of the hook,hang tip of the hook is forbidden.
3、 兩根鋼絲繩索具一起使用時,將兩根鋼絲繩索具直接掛入雙鉤內,兩根鋼絲繩索具各掛在雙鉤對稱受力中心位置;四根鋼絲繩索具一起使用時,每兩根鋼絲絏索具直接掛入雙鉤時,注意鉤內兩根鋼絲繩索具不能產生重疊和相互擠壓,四根鋼絲繩索具要對稱于吊鉤受力中心。When using two sling together,plaese put the sling to the double hook,the two sling separately put into the bear load center position. When using four slings together,enery two sling put into the double hook,pay attention hook,pay attentionthat the two slings can not be wrapped,the four slings should put on the bear load center position of the hook.
4、 成套索具吊裝時應避名吊裝角度超過60°時。When lifting with whole set of the sling,avoid the lifting angle over 60.
5、 鋼絲繩繩索具禁止打結,禁止鋼絲繩間直接接觸,應加卸扣或吊環隔開。Forbidden the sling knotting,and the steel wire rope can not connect,please separate them by shakles or links.
6、 成套鋼絲繩索具在負載運行過程中發生異常響聲,應停止使用,等有資質人員檢查后再行處理。It hearing any unnomal noise when tne rope is loading,it should stop the working,and deal with it after the inapectin of the inapection of the professinal people.
7、 成套鋼絲繩索具在吊裝過程中應盡量平穩,人員嚴禁在物品上通過且吊運物品下面嚴禁站人。Please keep steady when tne sling under lifting.Forbidden tne people stand under tne lifted object.
8、 壓制鋼絲繩索具在運輸、安裝和使用時避免彎曲受力,以免鋁管、螺紋、接頭或鋼絲繩受到損傷。Avoid the pressed sling bended to load during the instaling,transferring and using for the sling,Avoid the damage for the ferrules,sockets and steel wire rope.
- 上一篇:如何對吊索具進行涂油潤滑
- 下一篇:鋼絲繩索具的外觀和捻制質量的檢修介紹
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